Sunday, March 28, 2010

Zoo = %&$%

We I wore my bad idea jeans yesterday!
We've been wanting for so long to take BB to the Zoo,
weekend after weekend something came up.
We I decided we should schedule our 1hr drive so he naps on the way.
Didn't work.
He slept the last 10 minutes before we got there.
We I decided we should bring the wagon instead of the stroller.
Bad Idea.
PB ended up taking the wagon back to the car.
We carried BB through the entire Zoo.
Something you should know about BB, he's dead weight,
He doesn't help you at all, he's just dead weight!
He also didn't care about the zoo,
We figured that anyways, he's 9 months,
but it was worse than we thought, he stared at plants and grass the entire day.
I took him in the bathroom for a change and I slipped in the 1 inch of water covering the floor.
What saved my fall was the innocent bystander I grabbed, opps & thanks!
Did I mention the beautiful 75 degree weather also had 30 mile an hr winds..I'm not kidding.
I forgot wipes.
I forgot a sippy.
I forgot my sanity.
I remembered sunscreen, but apparently forgot how to apply it.
I wore flip flops, dumb.
I forgot we're going through a slight nursing strike so feeding him didn't work as planned.
I Forgot to schedule it so BB didn't fall asleep on the way home and completely throw off his bedtime routine.

Here are few pics from our awesome trip to the Zoo, please notice how excited BB is.

I've also discovered after looking at these photos that my make-up doesn't match my skin!
This is just gross...
He won't even look at us, he's that mad!
I had PB take our photo with giraffes, since people like to compare me to them..funny, huh?
He's done.

This is what we did after BB went to bed :) it seemed to make the day appear better!
I also forgot that BBs morning nap is when I take my shower and get ready, but I missed that opportunity because I was writing this post :)


Creative Mommy said...

Sorry you had a bad 1st experience at the Zoo! I am sure that next time will be better. We live and learn as mothers. I am sure Tyler will cherish the pics when he gets older :) Glad you enjoyed the wine! {You made me laugh}